This work is the third book in which the outputs of “Conceptualized Reading & Academic Writing Project in High-Schools”, the most established and ongoing project of Tiryakizade Social Enterprise, are shared.
Conceptualized Reading & Academic Writing Project in High-Schools is a critical and qualified reading project and takes into account the importance of reading action. It aims to teach young generations practically that the act of reading is a life-long action, that it should be aimed at a purpose, and that it should be done with a method. Our project pays attention to distinguished names from different fields of social sciences while choosing the intellectuals whose works will be read. Conceptualized Reading & Academic Writing Project in High-Schools makes it a subject of study for well-informed and determined intellectuals about their own civilization. These readings include intellectuals who do not feel inferior in the face of Western civilization, who believe that the cure must arise from the place where the problem arises, who seeks the remedy not outside but inside, who can understand what they say with their source, who can understand that they can reach science-truth, not copying, but who can afford to analyze the text with a critical point of view. Thus, we aim to enable young people to explore different fields of social sciences through the right names before the university entrance exam.
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