If the Woman Strengthens, the Family Strengthens (Turkish Original: Kadın Güçlenirse, Aile Güçlenir)
Duration: December 2017-December 2018
Grant: 15.000 Euro
Institution: Ministry of Interior
Project Details: After the massive wave of forced migration from Syria came together with the increased need to provide basic needs, education and professional training to the refugee population in Turkey. These projects mainly focus on refugee women because most of the refugee women are alone with multiple children; they are separated for various reasons from their husbands. So, these women need to sustain their income to care for themselves and their families. To help refugee women sustain themselves, this project aimed to give vocational training to refugee women. The refugee women were provided in a 3-months-training, including needlework, dressmaking, pastry, hairdressing, etc. These vocations are determined according to the backgrounds of refugee women because most of them were home-makers in their home country, and they do not have any professional training. At the end of the project, 455 refugee women joined the vocational training and certificated. As an outcome of this project, a book with the same name was published in Turkish.